© 1997,1998 by Evolution Software
CoreLife implements an artificial-life environment based on - and
compatible with - Tierra, Tom Ray's well-known project, which
displays open-ended evolution using a world of assembly-language
creatures running on simulated parallel processors.
I decided to offer CoreLife as freeware to the online community
since there are still many people interested in doing experiments
with Tierra-like systems. CoreLife is easy to use, with a
full-featured context-sensitive help system. It runs on any old
ms-dos PC as well as on Pentiums with Windows95.
There's a built-in color VGA interface enabling you to use a
custom mouse pointer to manipulate live cells during the simulation,
like a needle to inject more creatures and an axe to kill them,
or spray mutations (random code) directly into the cells so you
can watch the population recover and diversify, all within a
fraction of a second.
Typically, from a single cell, a complex community emerges in
which evolutionary arms races can be observed. This is the origin
of the excitement about Tierra, and the reason I created
CoreLife. Enjoy !
Links :
Life: the Santa Fe Institute
Tom Ray's Tierra pages